Friday, December 18, 2009

Life or death: Junk science vs. Global warming

Washington Post Questions 13

Question 2:

In response to Sarah Palin’s recent claims that climate change is based on “junk science and doomsday scare tactics pushed by an environmental priesthood,” Al Gore said that “global warming is not a political issue but a moral one, “he said. Which is it? Is it immoral to do nothing about global warming?

I believe that global warming is a moral issue. God has given us the earth to tend to and take care of. The earth was made for generations to enjoy. We as the human society must take responsibility and be accountable for our earth. The earth is not something we can go to Wal-Mart or go on eBay and purchase another when it is gone. When it is gone it will be gone! We take care of our bodies. Well at least some one of do. We need to take care of our plant as well. I can understand why some people think it is junk science. In 1992 I had the opportunity to work at the EPA and discovered how important the environment is. That internship developed my holistic views in different ways. It provided a holistic ecology within me. But we must put in place preventative measure and nurture the gift of our air, water and land! I believe that we are apart of the environment and the environment is apart of us! The earth is ours to maintain until Jesus returns. Until that time let us keep up our natural resources and have a healthy, vibrant earth for generations to enjoy!

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