Saturday, October 31, 2009

We are Precious!

Lee Daniel's movie Precious will come out this friday Nov 6th. I can not wait to see it. But not a lot of people are excited. I was reading an interview with the cast and director Lee Daniels said that black people are thirsty for the truth. Wow some of the blacks I know do not want to know the truth. I think that is why some people are avoiding it. To stand up and not be ashamed takes courage and faith. It sometimes that another person to offer support and kindness. It hard to find those things today! I say everyone should see the movie and think about our self love and self acceptance. I will write on this again after I see the movie. Remember we are Precious in his sight!
Peace Brenda


  1. I suppose one question is: what is truth? Whose truth are we talking about? I suspect theologians are a little bit better, sometimes anyway, at wanting to face the truth as you are. But others may feel they don't have a stake in coming so close to a reality or reckoning that might not always be so pleasant. So how do we tell others about how important it is to face "the truth" and why is it so?

  2. I think Lee Daniels is refering to the truth of this black family. I was taught if you know better, do better. But that does not work for everyone. I think we have to first start with the benefits of truth and living better and having a different life. I also believe what Jesus said, "I came so that you might have life and have it more abundantly"!
